Surrendering A Pet
Deciding to surrender a pet is a difficult decision to make, but before making this decision it is important to know all of your alternative options. Understanding your pet's needs can help with this process. Pets are emotional creatures, good or bad behavior derives from a pet's intentions and feelings. It is always important to have your pet seen by a veterinarian to ensure that any abnormal behavior is not caused by an underlying medical condition. Underlying medical conditions may cause signs of abnormal behaviors and can be mistaken as just despiteful behaviors. For true misbehaving and unruly pets, there are resources such as training classes, and day camps to help ensure your dog gets the proper stimulation and exercise needed.
Our goal is to rehome animals with the proper loving home that best meets their needs. So if you feel you have tried all alternative options and still feel that surrendering your pet is the best decision to make in the best interest of the pet, then Righteous Care Rescue is here to help.
We are a foster base rescue, if space and resources are limited at the time of your pet surrender application submission there may be a wait period before we can take in your pet. We cannot guarantee to be able to take in your pet and we may refer you to other rescue partners.
There is no fees involved when surrendering your pet to RCR, but donations are appreciated in any amount to help with the cost of vet bills to ensure all pets are healthy before being adopted.